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Basic information about antioxidants with your antioxidant manufacturers extension


In a broad sense, most of the weak reductants are antioxidants and are selected for different industrial USES. Weak reductants with high chemical and physical stability, or low toxicity, can be skillfully used as antioxidants in the formulation. For example, citric acid is a weakly reducing organic acid that can be used in beverage formulations to act as an antioxidant. Food is easy to oxidize and deteriorate for a long time, so a small amount of antioxidant can be added to prolong its storage time. Polymer materials such as plastic, synthetic fiber and rubber are prone to thermo-oxygen degradation. Adding antioxidant can maintain the excellent performance of polymer materials and prolong their service life...

The thermal oxidation of organic compounds is a series of free radical chain reactions, in which the chemical bonds of organic molecules break under the action of heat, light or oxygen, generating active free radicals and hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxides undergo decomposition reactions, which also produce hydroxy and hydroxy radicals. These free radicals can initiate a series of free radical chain reactions leading to fundamental changes in the structure and properties of organic compounds. Antioxidants are used either to eliminate newly created free radicals or to promote the decomposition of hydroperoxides, preventing chain reactions. The antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals include aromatic amine, blocked phenol and other compounds and their derivatives, known as the main antioxidant; The antioxidants that can decompose hydroperoxides include organic compounds containing phosphorus and sulfur, called auxiliary antioxidants.



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